The Fastest way to Increase your Fanbase on Beatstars

Most powerful tool out here to grow your beatstars account
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The Fastest way to Increase your Fanbase on Beatstars
Get 10x more followers everyday!
Beatshine engages with thousands of users automatically on your behalf everyday and turn them into your followers. It automates:
  • Follow users
  • Send Personalised messages
  • Send Personalized comments on their tracks
  • Like their tracks
Get 60,000 track plays in a month!
Beatshine boosts your track plays by using hundreds of thousands of real IPs spread across US and UK which stream your tracks thus increasing your plays
Sell More by Collaborating with Producers!
Beatshine enables you to collaborate with producers by sending them automated personalized messages on your behalf. While you spend your productive hours creating beats, Beatshine connects you with 1000+ targeted producers on Autopilot everyday
10x more powerful than Beatstars Promote
With thousands of beats getting produced every single day, you need to have an edge to be discovered by more users, especially by Artists.
Beatshine helps you promote your beats to undiscovered audience through targeted personalized messages, thus increasing your track plays, increasing your followers and drastically improve your chances of being noticed by artists.
The more the artists discover you the more the chances of your sales are
How to Use
With less than $0.5 a day, shine your social metrics with Beatshine
People on fb groups and gram are telling me to not use Beatshine? Should I use it?
You should see the results yourself and then listen to other. All those who are telling you this are big producers who don’t want to let you have this pot of gold! Don't say things like "Check out my beats" "buy my beats" "come to my page" instead you need to say things like "Hey I followed you lets support each other. Follow me back" Show that you are there to help them. Provide value for the other person, do not try to take in your first interaction. When you like someone’s track, leave a comment, message them about how good their beats are, you give them an adrenaline rush and you get the same. It’s support for support. We are just automating this adrenaline rush on your behalf. This has been there on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify and any social network. A lot of people have grown from hundreds to hundreds of thousands on instagram and other social networks. Join in early to use this to full extent. How much anyone says, Beatstars cannot remove thousands of payed accounts. Even for Instagram it took them 4 years to stop automation on their platform. In the end it
What are personalised messages and comments?
While storing messages & comments templates use {username} or {name}. For eg: “Hey {username}, your beats are dope!” Would be sent as “Hey Ronaldo, your beats are dope!” for the username @ronaldo on beatstars.
Are the followers real?
Yes. A 100%. You engage with people via beatshine. You send them personalised messages, like their tracks, comment on their tracks and follow them. Hence as a social tendency they follow you back.
Is it free?
We give a 2 day free trial. In these 2 days, reach about 2000+ users. You can see these metrics increase in 2 days and see if you want to continue. After that it’s less that $1 a day. (Our developers also have a home to run and mouths to feed 😛)
What are your Payment Plans?
Depending on the number of beatstars accounts you have, you can choose the payment plan. If you have just 1 Beatstar account and you want to use Beatshine for the same, you can choose our Silver Plan. If you have upto 3 Beatstars accounts and you want to use Beatshine will all of them, you can choose our Gold Plan. For higher plans, you can use our Diamond Account.
Is it safe? Can I get blocked?
We have been testing this on several accounts for the past 1 month and IF YOU DON’T SPAM, you should not get blocked. Beatshine is a very powerful tool. If you send positive messages, good comments, follow and like tracks using beatshine, chances of you getting banned are very less. We are imitating human behaviour and hence it is not possible for beatstars to detect unless people report you if you spam. (None of our account was banned!). But if people report you for spam, Beatstars would send you a warning mail first and you might get banned after that. Don't say things like "Check out my beats" "buy my beats" "come to my page" instead you need to say things like "Hey I followed you lets support each other. Follow me back" Show that you are there to help them. Provide value for the other person, do not try to take in your first interaction.
What are tasks on beatstars?

Tasks refer to:
1. Sending Message
2. Posting Comments on Tracks
3. Following a user
4. Unfollowing a user
5. Liking a track

Is it same as Instagram bot? Should I use it?
Beatstars is at a place where Instagram was in 2013 and Youtube was in 2005. So if you join in early, you can automate tasks and rise to the top easily. It took 4 years for Instagram to counter bots and they could do that successfully only by 2020. Beatstars is very new platform and it will take some time for them to change their algorithms. Till the time it’s possible, hop in early and increase your social metrics and sell more beats!
I only have a Free account on Beatstars. Will it work for me?
With free account you can still follow, like tracks and comment on tracks. So Like track task, comment on track task, follow and unfollow user task will work for you. You don’t get unlimited messages in free account, so message tasks won’t work for you.
What is Message Bank & Comment Bank?
Message bank is the place to store all the messages. One of the messages would be picked randomly while messaging a user. Comment Bank is where you store all the comments. One of them is picked Randomly while commenting on the tracks.

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